The ROI of Updating Your Web Assets

Posted / 24 March, 2017

Author / Enginess

Learn about the various ways updating your website assets provides a return on investment and can help you optimize your site for a better, more cohesive user experience.

Anyone who’s managed even a small website knows the pain of trawling through folder after folder looking for the right version of the image or document you’re trying to use.

In fact, on average marketers spend about 62 hours annually looking for company assets – assets that have already been produced, verified, checked, edited, double-checked, and had maybe 400 revisions completed on it.

In short, digital asset management (DAM) has a higher cost than may be immediately obvious. Yet, even in the world we live in of constant optimization, DAM all too often sits on the side lines.

But no more.

In this article, we cover the various ways updating your website assets provides a return on investment and can help you optimize your site for a better, more cohesive user experience.

1. Up to date web assets are more relevant

The first piece of ROI is part of conversion optimization. It’s simple:

The more up to date your content is, the more relevant it is to your customer.

This simple fact will help start a positive feedback loop that goes something like this:

  • First, more relevant content will keep people browsing on your site longer (reduced bounce rate).
  • This, in turn, will help your SEO, which takes bounce rate into consideration….
  • Which leads to more traffic.

Since SEO also considers authority, the higher value (e.g. low bounce rate) traffic you have, the better your search engine results page (SERP) position will be, further improving your ranking position and thus how many leads are coming through the door.

The result?

  • More leads coming your way, as you increase the top of the funnel with improved SEO
  • Higher conversion rate since you’re publishing content that’s relevant to customers

Which leads, naturally, to improved ROI.

2. Personalization

digital assets on iPad

80% of consumers want some sort of personalization. It doesn’t matter what industry you’re in — it’s increasingly obvious that personalized content isn’t just desired by your customers, but expected.

And while many companies have enough digital assets to tailor and tweak content and digital experiences to the people who are browsing, many don’t have the ability to properly deliver this result.


Because serving different content to different audiences, while still being on brand and on message, is a complicated challenge.

That’s where a DAM can help. With a single cloud interface with fully-searchable content and auto-tagging, it’s much easier to apply overall branded assets and standards, as well as approve content or run it past stakeholders if needed. It means that you can trust local teams to produce the digital content they need to in order to convert sales, without sacrificing overall brand value.

3. It’s all about data

Digital marketing is all about data, and understanding:

  • What content performs well
  • What audiences it resonates with
  • What stage of the sales funnel it's best suited for

And with thousands of pieces of content, from a simple tweet or CTA button to a blog post or a whitepaper or video, keeping it all straight can be a daunting challenge without a DAM.

Of course, you can get the broad strokes in place. For example, you might notice in your Google Analytics dashboard that a particular blog post has a 40% better conversion rate than other blog posts with the same traffic.

But in order to leverage or expand those learnings, you’ll likely need more information.

With digital asset management, you can track and analyse what content performs well, and where, as well as create test scenarios to further optimize your funnels. Over time, you build up learnings and can use those to inform what goes where, as well as future content production.

Over time, you get progressively better ROI as you optimize your entire digital marketing process.

4. Simplified management means less time spent on management

woman working on computer

So far, we’ve really talked about improving ROI directly by improving conversions. But there are other costs associated with content — namely, time.

The more time you spend on producing, administering, and pushing content live, the more expensive it is.

Consider the 62 hour stat we referenced in the introduction. When you think about those 62 hours of marketing coordinator time, the cost of resources (and lost opportunities) becomes obvious.

For a small organization, that might be the same time required for an entire digital ad campaign, a new piece of video creative, a whitepaper, or just more keyword bidding.

By optimizing your digital assets with a DAM system, you not only drive more sales, but do it in less time. It’s really the definition of doing more with less.

Wrap up

DAM systems and how they contribute to ROI is one of those nitty gritty details of digital content marketing that most people would probably rather not think about.

But just through some basic organization, tagging, and streamlined sharing, probably facilitated by a DAM system like Bynder, you can maximize your marketing efficiency for a better ROI.

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