Managing Costs and Product Development

Posted / 14 August, 2020

Author / Simone Abel

Managing Costs with Accessibility Compliant Product Development

Managing costs with your Accessibility Product Development is part three of our new series 'A Product Leader’s Guide To Accessibility & AODA'.

We’ve worked on dozens of accessibility projects over the years, and have helped nonprofits, associations, businesses, and regulated industries navigate the tricky waters of accessibility compliance.

We are excited to launch our five-part series on Product Leader’s Guide To Accessibility & AODA with  Simone Abel - Director of Digital Strategy at Enginess. Over the next couple of weeks, we will post several articles sharing the best practices and key recommendations around implementing accessibility and AODA with your project.


A Product Leader’s Guide To Accessibility & AODA

Part 1Understanding accessibility compliance 
Part 2: Project delivery 
Part 3: Managing costs
Part 4: Ongoing maintenance
Part 5: Common risks and pitfalls

Can't wait to see more tips? Download the complete guide today.

Managing Costs with Accessibility Compliant Product Development

Everything has a cost. Do accessibility compliant digital products cost more money? We find out in today's feature.

Throughout the last three blog enteries, we've been discussing accessibility as something that teams should be doing not only because it will make your website compliant, but because it’s a good thing to do from a UX, design, and business perspective.  

Like all high quality products, there is a cost to this work. Designing an accessible product for the first time may take longer, require more testing and iterating, and usually, include external specialists. Redesigning an existing product can amount to nearly the same amount of work, or more. Even if you are a web design and development agency with ample internal resources, if a client requires an accessible website, unless you have the expertise on staff across both design and coding, it’s often a good idea to partner with a consultant to help you navigate the project.

While we outlined the business case for accessibility in chapter 2, in this chapter we’re going to look at the actual costs of managing an accessible project and a few options that product leaders have to achieve their goals.

By the end of this chapter, you’ll be able to: 

  • Accurately project the incremental cost of accessibility into your project plan
  • Identify and mitigate common project risk and sources of cost overruns
  • Weigh the pros and cons of using internal or external resources
  • Understand when to hire external help

Download the complete guide today: A Product Leader’s Guide To Accessibility and AODA.

Plan your project right - a step-by-step guide to ensure a successful digital project launch. Read now.


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